Below is a list of some things to do in Sheboygan:

1. Blue Harbor Resort:
This is a place where you can take the whole family! Theres dining, spa services, room service, an arcade, mini golf, and a waterpark. Not only that but this place has great views and its right near the beach.
Blue Harbor Resort even rents out their spaces for events such as weddings or meetings. If youre looking to shop or find a bite to eat, then great news! They are located in a nice area with a variety of shops and restraunts to choose from.

This is a kid friendly garden thats as big as 7.5 acres with over 70 different gardens. Here there are many sites to see along with many activities for children to do. They even have evnts here such as trick or treating, wreath making, dinners, festivals, and more!
This isn’t a plkace for just children, adults can join in on the fun too. Check their calendar and see all the different events going on. If you are a member you even get discounts on the events going on in Bookworm gardens!

3. John Michael Kohler Arts preserve:
An art museum with a plethora of things to admire. Each piece has an explanation of the artists thoughts, ideas, lifestyle, and etc.
This is a great place to meet up with some friends and family and enjoy all the amazing art together. At the door there is even pamphlets to grab so you can interact with the art and put more thought into what it is and or means/represents.

4. Stefanie H. Weill Center for the Performing Arts:
This is a Performance theatre where all ages can enjoy any show. There is a variety of shows that go on here from dancing, magic, musicals, sing alongs, and more.
The Weill Center is also located in a great area. Its placed right downtown where all the fun happens. There a variety of shops and restraunts to choose from. the library and metro is also near!

This is the place to do some Family bonding or get together with friends. Theres nature all around, stand dunes, beaches, lakes, and an abundance of wildlife.
There are many things to do here in this beautiful and serene area. Fron taking walks on the beach to gathering around a nice campfire with family and friends. There’s always a way to find some fun within the nature.

You can take your older children here for some current and even older generation gaming. This is the place to a have a family game night for the ones who don’t enjoy regular board games anymore.
They have many options to choose from while playing at game on. Some games are Minecraft, Rocket leauge, Apex Legends, Fortnite, Overwatch, Super smash bros, and so much more.